Whole-landscape trail in research forestField Science Center for Northem Blosphere,
Hokkaido University Forest Research Station

Whole-landscape trail in research forest

Field Science Center for Northem Blosphere,
Hokkaido University Forest Research Station




"The whole-landscape trail in research forest" was visual information materials for teaching for those who have not visited experimental forest or those who have plan to implement research on forest ecosystem. Undergraduate or graduate students who attend field class in experimental forest also can use as pre- or post-learning. Citizens who are interested in nature observation or trekking also can use this material to know about university's experimental forest. In the whole-landscape train you can watch various scenes of forest using your preferred angles and scales in experimental forest. You can refer observed data or academic articles that produced in those forests. The movie on specific topics and research methods are also available. You can also observe seasonal changes for them.

Natural forest catchment

Picea glehnii’s
			swamp forest

