Whole-landscape trail in research forest

Field Science Center for Northem Blosphere,
Hokkaido University Forest Research Station






Natural forest catchment

Noguchi & Yoshida (2004) Tree regeneration in partially cut conifer–hardwood mixed forests in northern Japan: roles of establishment substrate and dwarf bamboo
Christopher et al. (2008) The effect of soil freezing on N cycling: comparison of two headwater subcatchments with different vegetation and snowpack conditions in the northern Hokkaido Island of Japan
Katsuyama et al. (2009) Applications of a hydro-biogeochemical model and long-term simulations of the effects of logging in forested watersheds

Picea glehniis swamp forest

Ogawa et al. (2006) Relationship of topography to surface water chemistry with particular focus on nitrogen and organic carbon solutes within a forested watershed in Hokkaido, Japan
Xu & Shibata (2007) Landscape patterns of overstory litterfall and related nutrient fluxes in a cool-temperate forest watershed in northern Hokkaido, Japan
Kawano et al. (2007) Holocene Phytolith Record at Picea glehnii Stands on the Dorokawa Mire in Northern Hokkaido, Japan

Picea glehniis swamp forest

Stream Chemistry, Dorokawa watershed, 2005-2006